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Featured Committees

Security Council

Chairs: Olwen Brown, Rylan Holt

Topic 1: The Situation In Niger

The Security Council is the UN body responsible for the maintenance and restoration of international peace and security, as well as the reconciliation of friendly relations between nations. It is made up of 15 members, 5 of which are permanent, and has the power to intervene in the case that international peace has been broken.

Chairs: Yoyo Ngai, Arthur Ho

Topic 1: Addressing sustainable tourism in developing countries

Topic 2: Addressing the implementation of carbon taxation in the EU

The Economic and Financial Committee addresses a wide range of global finance and economic matters including the promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development, and the maintenance of international peace and security.



Chairs: Belle Tse, Nicholas Tsang

Topic 1: Addressing the Issues of the Kosovo War

Topic 2: Addressing the issue of the trafficking of CBRN materials

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance between 30 member states. Established in the aftermath of WWII, NATO is characterised by its collective security system in which member states agree to defend one another in the case of an attack by a third party.

Chairs: Nikaash Daswaney, Brandon Yip

Topic 1: Promoting Security in the Horn of Africa

Topic 2: Addressing the Proliferation of Violent Non-State Actors in the Levant

The Disarmament and International Security Committee deals with disarmament and international security matters. These include the prevention of nuclear war and arms races and a comprehensive programme of disarmament and transparency in armaments.



Chairs: Jenna Chu, Mia Lee

Topic 1: Ensuring safe access to active euthanasia and physician assisted suicide

Topic 2: Addressing the challenges to conserve biodiversity and protect endangered species

The United Nations General Assembly is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations. It serves as its main deliberative, policymaking, and representative organ. It receives reports from other parts of the UN system, making recommendations through resolutions.

Chairs: Ashley Wong, Ka Ho Cheung, Gianna Kwok

Topic 1: Addressing Honour Crimes and Femicide

Topic 2: Addressing the status of women in Afghanistan

The Commission on the Status of Women is the chief UN organ promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women. It congregates to evaluate progress gender equality, identify challenges, set global standards and formulate concrete policies to promote gender equality and advancement of women worldwide.



Chairs: Ava Au Yeung, Kate Jung

Topic 1: Discussing the impeachment proceedings against President Trump

Topic 2: Combatting Domestic Disinformation Campaigns

The United States Senate is the upper chamber of the United States Congress. It plays a role in the passage of federal legislation; it also confirms presidential appointments and provides a vital check and balance on the powers of the executive and judicial branches of government.

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