
Chair 1
Ethan Lam
Hello, I'm Ethan. I'm a Year 10 student currently studying at Victoria Shanghai Academy. I’m super excited to chair USS with Chenming at VSAMUN XVI. The US Senate is my favourite council with its unique topics and procedure. I’m passionate about military history, specifically the Medieval and Napoleonic periods as of late.

Chair 2
Chenming Song
Hi! I’m Chenming, a Y11 student from German Swiss International School. This is my first time chairing an advanced council (what could possibly go wrong?) In USS, you never really know what to expect (filibusters!), so I’m looking forward to it :) Know more about me: I’m a swiftie, tetris & chess player, avid skier, foodie, rower, academic failure, and single. See you in November!

Chair 3
Jay So
Hi guys, Im Jay, a Grade 11 student struggling to launch his academic comeback and I’m honored to be chairing alongside Chenming and Ethan in this iteration of VSAMUN’s USS. Outside of MUN, you’d see me grinding as a chorister and building my scuffed law CV.